WP Number WP1 Start Month – End Month 7-42
WP Title Contexts
Lead University Kent

·      To understand the cultural conditions motivating individuals to contemplate emigration

·      To establish the historical drivers of migration at societal level

·      To identify the external economic and political factors that have governed historical migration flows

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: Research on various sources (incl. statistics, economic data, letters, court records, etc) with a view to understanding the social, cultural and economic disposition of individuals during pre-migration phases. Thesis supervision: Kent and Porto; individual secondment: Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migration, Brussels.

·      Task 2: Formulation of social conditions that need to exist to generate significant migration flows, as can be gleaned from textual, visual and material sources. Thesis supervision: Kent and Berlin; individual secondment: Casa da Música, Porto.

·      Task 3: Model analyses of political and economic constellations that have historically accompanied high migration flows at different points in different countries. Thesis supervision: Kent and Montpellier; individual secondment: Consortium of Migrant Assisting Organizations in the Czech Republic, Prague.

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

1.1-3: Online publication of three Summer School papers (21)

1.4-6: Online publication of three End-of-Project Conference papers (40)

1.7-9: Submission of three PhD theses (42)

WP Number WP2 Start Month – End Month 7-42  
WP Title Movements  
Lead University Berlin  

·      To establish major forms of displacement in relation to travel, migration, and colonization, taking into account gender difference

·      To theorize the relationships between different phases and types of slavery, past and present, and the patterns of migration

·      To develop a systematic approach to the impact of early travel on the cultural development of Europe

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: Historical functions of travel (especially sea voyages) will be established from cultural, social and economic perspectives and compared with the present globalized world. A typology of migration across time will be formulated. Thesis supervision: Berlin and Kent; individual secondment: The National Maritime Museum, London.

·      Task 2: Forms of displacement (past and present) will be described in their relations to the functions of travel and the feminisation of migration. Thesis supervision: Berlin and Porto; individual secondment: The Online Encyclopaedia of Migration, Prague.

·      Task 3: Functional relationships between different forms of slavery and types of migration in past and present will be described. Thesis supervision: Berlin and Prague; individual secondment: Preußische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin.

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

2.1-3: Online publication of three Summer School papers (21)

2.4-6: Online publication of three End-of-Project Conference papers (40)

2.7-9: Submission of three PhD theses (42)

WP Number WP3 Start Month – End Month 7-42  
WP Title Encounters  
Lead University Porto  

·      To develop a historically and theoretically sophisticated conception of ‘contact zones’ as sites of integration past and present

·      To establish a typology of cultural encounters, taking into account migrants and host societies, and different contexts and locales

·      To undertake a comparative study of past and present-day intermediary agents/agencies

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: A model of the contact zone enabling integration will be developed from research into historical encounters on all continents, plus revision of theoretical instruments involving concepts such as cultural identity and intercultural communication. Thesis supervision: Porto and Kent; individual secondment: The Multicultural Center, Prague.

·      Task 2: Theories of the cultural encounter involving migrants and host societies, including the so-called ‘clash of cultures’, will be revised to establish typology with operative value for more recent encounters. Thesis supervision: Porto and Prague; individual secondment: Portuguese Refugee Council, Lisbon.

·      Task 3: Historical rituals, intermediaries, go-betweens, and instances of cultural translation will be compared to present-day cross-cultural contacts, especially as regards the role of organizations working with migrants in the current crisis. Thesis supervision: Porto and Montpellier; individual secondment: Kent Refugee Action Network, Canterbury.

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

3.1-3: Online publication of three Summer School papers (21)

3.4-6: Online publication of three End-of-Project Conference papers (40)

3.7-9: Submission of three PhD theses (42)

WP Number WP4 Start Month – End Month 7-42  
WP Title Transformations  
Lead University Montpellier  

·      To understand parallels between past transformation processes and those of the present in the light of settlement and integration

·      To identify patterns of political and cultural thought emerging from the comparative study of past and the present forms of migration

·      To test theories of appropriation, emergence and hybridisation for their usefulness in migration research

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: Historical transformations will be assessed through research on patterns such as the nature-culture binary, gender difference, the notion of ideology as ‘false consciousness’, or the concept of technological/cultural superiority. Thesis supervision: Montpellier and Prague; individual secondment: La Boutique d’écriture, Montpellier.

·      Task 2: Sources on cultural and social transformations in past and present cultures will be assessed with a view to establishing the existence of invariant, transhistorical features of the integration process. Thesis supervision: Montpellier and Porto; individual secondment: Museum of Migrations and Communities, Fafe, Portugal.

·      Task 3: Traditional historical and political thought will be compared in terms of their assumptions about the supremacy of empires and nation-states over historical mobility and migration processes. Thesis supervision: Montpellier and Berlin; individual secondment: Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

4.1-3: Online publication of three Summer School papers (21)

4.4-6: Online publication of three End-of-Project Conference papers (40)

4.7-9: Submission of three PhD theses (42)

WP Number WP5 Start Month – End Month 7-42
WP Title Narratives
Lead University Prague

·      To study migration myths and histories past and present, their different types, and the use made in them of gender stereotyping

·      To establish the major discursive features of the representation of migration and (male and female) migrants

·      To analyse the role of migration tales in alternative historiographies, political ideologies, historical memory, literature, theatre, art

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: Interpretation and comparison of myths and historical accounts of migration, enabling the identification of general patterns of migration myths in historiography, literature, film, ideological discourse and records of historical memory. Thesis supervision: Prague and Montpellier; individual secondment: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Avignon.

·      Task 2: Recent methodologies dealing with narrativization of historical processes and events will be critically interpreted and developed to establish a typology of myths and histories of migrations, alien invasions, and exploratory voyages. Thesis supervision: Prague and Berlin; individual secondment: Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.

·      Task 3: Interpretation of literary, dramatic, cinematic and visual sources, parallel to the analysis of their cultural, aesthetic and ideological functions, to produce a systematic representation of the discursive features of migration narratives in verbal and visual art. Thesis supervision: Prague and Kent; individual secondment: Teatro Nacional São João, Porto.

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

5.1-3: Online publication of three Summer School papers (21)

5.4-6: Online publication of three End-of-Project Conference papers (40)

5.7-9: Submission of three PhD theses (42)

WP Number WP6 Start Month – End Month 1-42
WP Title Recruitment and Transferable Skills
Lead University Montpellier

·      To plan and run recruitment campaign

·      To prepare and publish Researcher’s Handbook

·      To train early-stage researchers in a range of transferable skills

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: The recruitment campaign will include: preparing standard MOVES employment contract; implementing web-based selection process; appointing selection panels; organizing and conducting interviews; managing admissions process centrally and locally; getting ESRs registered at their first and second HEIs; formulating DCA for all ESRs (Montpellier)

·      Task 2: The Researchers’ Handbook will contain all the information required by ESRs on programme structure, supervision, thesis submission, further research opportunities, addresses and contact info, etc. (Montpellier)

·      Task 3: Planning and organisation of three transferable skills training events (Montpellier)

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

6.1: Completion of Recruitment Campaign (6)

6.2: Publication of Researcher’s Handbook (7)

6.3: Transferable Skills Workshops (9)

6.4: Career Management Workshop (23)

6.5: Knowledge Transfer Event (33)

WP Number WP7 Start Month – End Month 7-40
WP Title Training
Lead University Berlin

·      To train ESRs for future roles in migration research and management

·      To work with a range of non-academic partners in the generation of new knowledge

·      To enable sustained inter-sectoral collaboration through 15 non-academic secondments

Description of Work and Role of MOVES Universities and Partner Organisations

·      Task 1: Ensure the timely planning and running of seven research training events (Berlin)

·      Task 2: Ensure the effective liaison with non-academic partners and their participation in events throughout the lifetime of the project; ensure circulation of information between MOVES and the partners; ensure effectiveness of cooperation with partners on the basis of feedback from MOVES universities, ESRs, and the partners themselves (Berlin)

·      Task 3: Enable secondments of ESRs by agreeing appropriate terms with non-academic partners that ensure adherence to quality assurance codes of practice regarding work-based learning; allocate ESRs to secondments in consultation with non-academic partners, supervisors and local MOVES coordinators (Berlin; MOVES universities, selected non-academic partners)

Description of Deliverables (month of delivery in brackets)

7.1: Induction Programme (7)

7.2: Workshop 1 Introduction and Contexts (13)

7.3: Workshop 2 Movements and Encounters (16)

7.4: Summer School (18)

7.5: Workshop 3 Transformations and Narratives (20)

7.6: Non-academic Secondments (30)

7.7: End-of-Project Conference (40)