Peter Teunissen obtained a B.S. in Anthropology and Development Sociology and a B.A. in Philosophy from the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. In 2017, he was a Research Assistant with the Nijmegen Centre for Border Research where he worked on the relation between vehicles, borders, and migration. He graduated from Utrecht University’s Gender and Ethnicity Research Master in 2018. Since then, he has been working on the intersections of migration industries, b/ordered mobilities, and the infrastructures of exclusion.
E-mail: p.teunissen (at)
Peter Teunissen, and Penny Koutrolikou. “Echoes of Imperialism: Crisis, Conflict and the (Re)configurations of Otherness in the Evros/Edirne Borderlands.” Postcoloniality and Forced Migration: Mobility, Control, Agency, ed. Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, Sharla M. Fett, Lucy Mayblin, Nina Sahraoui, and Eva Magdalena Stambøl. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022.
Peter Teunissen, and Valeria Hänsel. “Moving through the Architecture of Enmity: Infrapolitics and the reconfiguration of the Aegean deportation regime.” Von Moria bis Hanau Brutalisierung und Widerstand: Grenzregime 4, ed. Valeria Hänsel, Karl Heyer, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner, Nina V. Schwarz (Hg.) Assoziation A., 2022.
Peter Teunissen. “Border Crossing Assemblages: Differentiated Travelers and the Viapolitics of FlixBus.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 35:3 (2020), DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2018.1452165.
Madeline J. Bass, Daniel Córdoba, and Peter Teunissen. “(Re)Searching with Imperial Eyes: Collective Self-Inquiry as a Tool for Transformative Migration Studies.” Social Inclusion 8:4 (2020).
Conference presentations
Peter Teunissen. “Corridors of Expulsion.” Postcoloniality and Forced Migration, 11-13 December 2019, Aalborg, Denmark.
Peter Teunissen. “Postcolonial configuration of EUropean deportation regimes: epistemologies of deportation studies.” Why and how should we research the deportation of foreigners? Epistemological, methodological and ethical issues in deportation studies: 3-4 September 2020, Wolverhampton (online).