Position: Professor
Department: History
Email: alexander.schunka@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 (30) 838 58102
Postal address: Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Alexander Schunka teaches early modern history at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute at Freie Universitaet Berlin. His main research areas are the cultural and religious history of early modern Europe with a special emphasis on mobility and migration studies, the history of early modern Protestantism, cultural transfer between central Europe, Anglo-American cultures and the Ottoman Empire as well as the history of natural resources. Recent publications include the co-edited volumes Migrations in the German Lands (2016; paperback 2018), Reporting Christian Missions (2017), Pietismus in Thüringen (2018), a co-edited source anthology on Pietismus (2017), and the monographs Die Hugenotten (2019) and Ein neuer Blick nach Westen (also forthcoming in 2019).
Alexander Schunka will co-supervise two MOVES research projects: “Society and the Cultural Drivers of Migration” and “Types of Migration in Their Relation to Forms of Slavery”.