Position: Associate Professor
Department: History, Political and International Studies
E-mail: amelia.polonia@gmail.com
Phone: +351 22 6077100
Postal address: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto, Portugal
Publications: Selected bibliography
Amélia Polónia is Associate Professor with tenure at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, where she has been teaching since 1985. She is the Scientific Coordinator of CITCEM (Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory), a board member of the Academia Europaea History and Archaeology Section, and the Vice-President of the IMHA (International Maritime History Association). She was the project leader of the Portuguese team of DynCoopNet (Dynamic Complexity of Cooperation-Based Self-Organizing Networks in the First Global Age) and is currently the project leader of CoopMar (Transoceanic Cooperation. Public Policies and Sociocultural Iberoamerican community). She was a member of the Erasmus Mundus PhD program TEEME (Text and Event in Early Modern Europe), and has taught across Europe and in international universities.
Amélia Polónia’s main research interests include agent-based analysis applied to historical dynamics, social and economic networks, maritime communities and self-organizing networks in the Early Modern Age. Seaports history, migrations, transfers and flows between different continents and oceans, informal mechanisms of empire building, women as brokers and go-betweens in overseas empires and the environmental implications of overseas European colonization are key-subjects of Amélia Polónia’s current research.
She has given many lectures in Portugal and abroad, and has regularly edited and contributed to volumes and journals in her main fields of study.
Amélia Polónia will co-supervise one MOVES research project: “Cultural Encounters, Early to Late Modernity: Patterns and Challenges”.